Project outline:CUT/STACK/BURN is a performative re-enactment of a redundant rural activity - furze cutting for domestic fuel (or gorse outside of cornwall). The project uses art installation as a platform to develop a visual conversation about the implications and absence of sustainable approaches in the management of land and its resources. Our current use of energy in an age of climate change becomes a focal point and pivotal issue in this visual debate.

event poster

event poster

Tuesday, 27 February 2007

rumble neck halfhorn finds a new home

today gorsey-horsey as he came to be known was renamed at our house as 'rumbleneckhalfhorn' and given his first taste of comfort on the train set box on his very own bed. this sort of stuff is an unexpected and fun side to the work so far. we had gorse trampolines at the start furzey arrow trails and now this...bring it on

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mini beasts

mini beasts

cross section

cross section

