Project outline:CUT/STACK/BURN is a performative re-enactment of a redundant rural activity - furze cutting for domestic fuel (or gorse outside of cornwall). The project uses art installation as a platform to develop a visual conversation about the implications and absence of sustainable approaches in the management of land and its resources. Our current use of energy in an age of climate change becomes a focal point and pivotal issue in this visual debate.

event poster

event poster

Sunday, 29 April 2007

The support in kind from various individuals and organisations was fantastic. Without the support of these, particularly from ACE, it simply would not have come to fruition. The National Trust also stands out here as not only being very supportive on a practical level but also because of how they really got into the spirit of the work. From the cutting of the furze to the help on the day for stewarding and providing the event equipment was brilliant. The countryside manager even made a special visit to lend a hand in last stages of the work. When I set fire to the work I asked the warden who had worked and liaised with me on the cutting and transportation of the furze to join me in the last performance of the project. We did this using the same equipment [flame retardant overalls and gas weed burners] as they would when they are using burning as a tool for heath land management.

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mini beasts

mini beasts

cross section

cross section

